You Had Me at 1783: Poldark, Pineapple, and Other Guilty Pandemic Pleasures
I hesitate to use the words "pandemic" and "pleasures" in the same phrase, but what follows is indeed an anecdotal list of the foods, shows, and activities I've taken great pleasure in over the last several weeks. None are earth-shaking, but all have brought a smile to my face.
If you know me even the slightest bit, you know I love to read - especially historical fiction. My favorite novels include Pride & Prejudice, written by Jane Austen in 1813 - just a few decades after the events of the Cornwall-set Poldark series begin to take place. I don't know why it took me so long to discover the BBC series, now available on Amazon Prime. I remember my parents watching it and loving it when it first aired on PBS several years ago. At any rate, I'm savoring each episode and plan to soon treat myself to the series of books on which the shows are based. I'm a sucker for a great soundtrack, and the Poldark score by Anne Dudley doesn't disappoint. It, too, is available to stream on Amazon Prime. Fun fact: My name is of Cornish derivation, akin to the older versions of Guinevere, and means "the fair one" or "white wave." Cornwall, with its rugged, panoramic cliffs and coastline, is definitely on my bucket list!
Like many of y'all, I have been baking more than usual. Banana bread has been a family staple since I was little, and so I've made that three times over the last six weeks. (I always use this Betty Crocker recipe.) It's a great way to extend the life of bananas that are too far gone to munch on.
About two weeks in, we ran out of store-bought sweets, and so I tried my hand at homemade brownies. Never will I go back to boxed! This recipe has kept me and my family creeping back into the kitchen at all hours to nibble on these chocolate treats. (In the last batch, I added the remnants of a bag of toffee baking chips left over from the holidays - yum!) I've made three batches and the process just got easier every time.
Can you detect a theme here? Sugar is a must in my house. And I'll be honest, moderation has kinda gone out the window. I figure if I keep up with my daily or twice-daily walks, it will all even out in the wash. Though I hope our post-COVID dental visits won't wind up costing us an arm and a leg!
Finally in the baking category ... I made my first pineapple upside down cake today, sans maraschino cherries, which I don't typically have on hand. Despite its lack of color, the cake turned out beautifully and was a breeze to make. Dorothy even said her slice was "epic!" You can check out the recipe here.
Lest you think I'm all about food, I'll mention my Words with Friends ritual as I conclude. The app-based game has become a soothing way to wind down my day as bedtime looms.
What about you? What "guilty pandemic pleasures" have you and your family indulged in? Please share in the comments below.
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