Tennis is Cancelled. So is My Idol-Worship.
First it was Indian Wells, then Wimbledon. First ALTA, then USTA. First my neighborhood court, then the tennis center where I have all my team practices. Then the county facilities where I play singles. My tennis opportunities were drying up, just as my youngest daughter was clamoring for lessons!
I laughed out loud when I received the email above from a local tennis pro sharing his sorrow at having to cancel programs for the foreseeable future. "How can it?" I asked myself, thinking about how wrapped up in the sport my life had become. True to form, however, he put everything in perspective:
His truth hit home! I had to ask myself, how was I using my time? Before the word "virus" became an everyday utterance, the word "tennis" was just as common in my house. As in, "Where's Mom?" "She's at tennis." Or, "I've got tennis." Or, "Who wants to play tennis?" Or, "I've got to leave church early to go play tennis." Or, "You're playing tennis again?"
I've often told friends and family that my love for tennis isn't just about exercise. I've played it for years, and it has become my social life, my fitness regime, and my stress relief. (I like to joke that nothing feels better when you're angry or frustrated than hitting a tennis ball really hard. Try it, you'll see.)
But now that outlet is gone. The puffed-up pride I often felt after a win - or even a good shot - is not an emotion I can tap into anymore. God has made it abundantly clear that it's time to take away the idol and replace it with things that are far more fulfilling - time with Him and time with my family. I've come to realize that what some see as a curse - this time of isolation and shut-down - God means for me to see as a blessing! (One of our student pastors preached a great sermon about this very idea recently. You can check it out at the 22:30 mark.) Never have I had so much time to chat with my girls, walk with my husband, spend time studying the Bible with my family and friends, and write about all of it. (And yes, I've had plenty of time to binge-watch shows, but that's another blog post.)
Only He knows how long this will last, and so I must trust that His plan is bigger - and better - than my tennis idol-worship could ever be.
I'm sure I'll get back out on the courts sooner rather than later. And when I do, it will be with the knowledge that my time practicing and playing with my friends (and chasing bag tags!) - is a blessing that can be enjoyed because of this precious time I'm getting to spend at home - safe, healthy, happy, and growing everyday in my relationship with Christ.
What idols are you seeing fall as this pandemic continues? How has God used this time to re-frame your thinking about Him and your circumstances? Please share in the comments below!
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